I am Jennifer, 38 years old and live with my two kids (5 and 3) and two cats in Norrköping. I am originally from Germany and moved to Sweden 2001.
I used to have several aquariums as a teenager (just fish and such) and had a very nonchalant view on keeping fish. Changing water ? PH ? NO2 ? Never cared about those (and was surprised why my plants and fish always died).
I kicked out my sambo last summer and since my best friend in Germany has had räkor for a while now, I finally decided to get an aquarium again (54l). And then one more (54l). And then one more (250l)…and some more… I read lots of books about the topic and am a member of some german forums as well.
I currently have two 30l cubes with CR and CB, a 54l for my 3 atya gabonensis and the 10 Atyopsis moluccensis, a 200l with some Neon Tetras, Galaxys, Amanos, Caridina gracilirostris and Caridina propinqua, a 12l with Körsbärräkor, a 54l for my Tylomelanias, a 60l Sulawesi tank, a 20l saltwater tank for the larvae of the Atyopsis moluccensis, a 12l exil tank for the pregnant Atyopsis moluccensis females, and 8 250l aquariums in the cellar plus two 54l aquariums that are still empty
P.S. I understand swedish very well, just my written swedish sucks and therefore I write in english